Sunday, April 15, 2007

Arlington National Cemetery

On Sunday we headed to Arlington National Cemetery. Originally we planned to see the Iwo Jima Memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers and then head over to the Holocaust Museum for a nice depressing day.

The weather decided to help get us in the mood: It rained 2 1/2" while we were walking around the cemetery. As we approached the Cemetery we saw a huge memorial, which turned out to be the Women in Military Service for America Memorial. It was amazing. The hall was filled with memorabilia of women who had fought for our country.

Also in the hall was the 'Faces of the Fallen' exhibition. Many artists have donated portraits that they created for various soldiers who have died in the current War on Terror. It was breath-taken to walk by the faces of the men and women who have so recently perished.

After we left the Women's Memorial we headed into the cemetery, proper. We went in search of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and found, instead, JFK's grave site. After a bit more wandering we crested a hill and I took this series of pictures which form a rather lovely panorama.


Down the hill we managed to find the Tomb of the Unknowns...

We had somehow managed to make it just in time for the Changing of the Guards.

The emotions I felt while standing there partaking of this ceremony were overwhelming. Hallowed reverence are the only words I can think of that come reasonably close.


Soaked to the bone, we decided to call it an early day, Iwo Jima and the Holocaust Museum would have to wait until Monday.


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